Whether it’s working from dawn till dusk or in the middle of the night to create minimum disruption in a business, it is no secret that construction sites are a hub of activity any time of the day. Although your employees are getting plenty of fresh air, helping to keep them awake and alert, it is likely that even in the sunniest of climates the long hours and manual labour can get to them, causing work and productivity to stagnate. If you are approaching tight deadlines, this could lead to some tension on-site, meaning that all hands should be on deck.
Of course, although sticking to deadlines are important, the health and wellbeing of your employees is equally as important too. Below, we have thought of some ways you can improve the productivity of your workforce and keep morale high.
Regular Breaks
If your contractors are scheduled to be working all day, regular breaks are conducive to a happier and healthier work environment. Make sure to schedule in breaks throughout the day, like an hour for lunch between 1pm and 2pm, and 15-minute tea and biscuit breaks. It is vital that you also arrange breaks if you are hit with severe weather like rainy showers, heatwaves and snow. If adverse weather conditions do occur, make sure you have an indoor break room where employees can relax with appliances, amenities, sofas and perhaps a television too. Breaks will help refresh their mind and rest their limbs so when they go back to work they feel revitalised.
Employ Good Management
Management is key to enhancing and maintaining productivity levels. A well-respected project manager can help motivate your contractors whilst also being firm in their leadership. Plus, if the contractors know that they are working under someone and are keeping an eye on their work, they are more likely to perform to a better standard.
Communicate End Goal
A well-communicated site is always going to boost productivity as it allows for greater relationships between contractors and managers and consequently more effort is put into the work produced. Good communication also helps generate respect amongst one another, also helping to foster a generally nicer place to work. When communicating, make sure to establish what the end goal is as this will help people stay on task if they know what they are working towards.
For example, if you are building a hospital or a school, remind them how much their work will help benefit the local community and that they are making a long term impact.
On-Site Repairs
One of the most frustrating reasons as to why work could stagnate is due to broken machinery. Instead of waiting around for the machinery to be taken away, have a replacement ordered and then fixed, why not find a reputable company that can do the repairs onsite? Here at HP Hydraulics, we pride ourselves on being a hydraulic repair service in Southampton that performs on-site repairs to construction sites around the region. To find out more about our services, simply contact us today.