While you should be maintaining your hydraulic system at all times, things can still go wrong. You should pay attention to the system so you know what is going on and will notice when one of the following signs shows up. These usually mean that there is something wrong and your system will need repairs.
The hydraulic pump is the most common part to fail and while it should last for many years, it will eventually give out.
Odd Sounds
When your hydraulic system is functioning perfectly, you’ll hear very little in the way of sound. It’s meant to be a fairly quiet design, so if you notice that there are some odd noises, there may be something wrong.
Banging or knocking sounds are some of the more common noises you’ll hear. These can indicate there isn’t enough pressure in the system. Air may be caught in the system or it may be due to cavitation. Unfortunately, either of these options can result in some serious damage, so it’s essential you stop and get it repaired immediately.
If you notice a leak on the system, you know it needs to be repaired. However, it is also very common for leaks to show up without being noticed. If you do have a leak, you may notice that the pressure within the system drops suddenly. It’s also possible that there will be a decrease in performance. There may also be oil on the exterior of the pump.
To repair this sort of issue, you’ll want to try tightening the valve first, but then you can replace the seal. Unfortunately, if left to continue, the leaks could result in complete failure of the system.
Failed Seals
Seals fail from time to time, but if you notice that it is a constant issue, there is likely a deeper problem. A rod could be bent or installed incorrectly and this is more serious. You’ll definitely need to change it out and solve the problem before you use the system any further. A bent rod could end up causing even more damage.
Hydraulic systems are fairly simple, so there isn’t as much that can go wrong as when you work with a more complex system. That being said, they do still have problems from time to time and you still need to pay attention to how they function.
Are you looking for a company to maintain your hydraulic system? Contact HP Hydraulics today.