If your work involves the use of commercial vehicles, you likely know that they can break down over time. That’s why it’s important to coordinate with experts who know how to repair such vehicles. Doing so is key to avoiding major productivity losses due to malfunctions and related problems.
That said, you don’t want to wait for your vehicles and equipment to break down entirely to schedule the necessary inspections and repairs. If you’re able to identify and address minor issues early, the cost to your organisation will be substantially less than it would otherwise be.
Thus, it’s a good idea to familiarise yourself with key warning signs indicating your equipment needs professional attention. They include the following:
Old Age
This is one of the most important factors to keep in mind when you work with commercial vehicles and complex equipment. When you purchase such vehicles, discuss their estimated lifespan with experts. If you know how long your equipment is supposed to stay in proper working condition, you’ll know when you may need to schedule an inspection.
Strange Noises
Commercial vehicles obviously make a lot of noise in many instances. It can be difficult to pay attention to all the different sounds they may generate.
However, to as much a degree as possible, any employees operating these vehicles should try to listen for strange noises that the equipment didn’t make in the past. Such noises almost certainly indicate a component is failing.
Remember, addressing these problems isn’t just about avoiding productivity losses. It’s also about employee safety. You don’t want an employee of yours being injured on a work site because you failed to address a problem affecting one of your commercial vehicles. If you take action and contact experts as soon as you notice an issue, that’s less likely to occur.
Inconsistent Performance
It’s a good idea to keep some sort of record tracking the performance of your commercial vehicles. This helps you more easily identify problems early. If a vehicle or piece of equipment is no longer performing as consistently as it did in the past, that typically means it’s failing in some capacity. The problem will likely only get worse if you don’t take steps to correct it now.
After all, avoiding major vehicle breakdowns is key to avoiding major expenses. That said, if your vehicles ever do need repairs, we at HP Hydraulics would be happy to provide them. For more information, contact us online today.