It is no secret that children have plenty of curiosity. Whether it is the incessant questions of ‘why this’ and ‘why that’, or them running off to explore, children are constantly excited and motivated by the world around them. Not only does this unbounded curiosity help them discover the world, but it can also aid them in their future learning and development, as they learn to problem solve and invent.
This is why, to feed these curiosities, children are encouraged to get into STEM subjects, which can help aid them in whatever future career path they take.
Below, we have thought of some fun and interesting ways to get your children excited about science and engineering.
Invest in STEM toys
STEM toys like building blocks, homemade science kits and toys they can build themselves not only let them discover and nurture a STEM interest themselves but also help improve their fine motor skills. Many major toy brands like LEGO have created pieces for children to build that incorporate both physics and engineering.
Take them outside
Perhaps an obvious idea, but nonetheless effective, is taking your children outside as much as possible and inventing games and tasks like learning about natural organisms or building forts and flower crowns from natural materials. These can also teach them to have a greater respect for the environment and sustainability.
Tailor to their interests
Every child is unique and wonderful in their own way, meaning that they will have different interests, likes and dislikes. Tailoring STEM to their personal interests is a great way for them to have a love for the subject. For instance, if your child loves painting – why not get them to paint a picture of the outside world or some bugs they find. On the other hand, if your child loves history and interesting facts, why not get them a fact book about ocean and land wildlife? A child that is interested in makeup and cosmetics could learn the chemistry behind how beauty products are made or a child that loves cars could learn the physics of how they move.
Use analogies they understand
STEM subjects are complex, so it is vital that you get your children interested. To help them understand, use analogies, metaphors and subjects that will intrigue them. For example, when explaining how a hydraulic pump works, you could use a popular analogy of a water pistol. A great way to incorporate engineering with an exhilarating water fight on a hot day, you could teach your child how a water pistol pump operates and how this is very similar to the operation of a hydraulic pump.
Here at HP Hydraulics, we always want to inspire potential future leaders and innovators in our industry. We provide on-site hydraulic repair, as well as product finishing and commercial vehicle repair. To find out more about our services, contact us today.